Wednesday, March 16, 2011

a olive branch

I just came back from this meeting . I went their to offer a olive branch one more time to EARS. Their has a been bad blood between EARS & Puffy Paws for years. Through no fault of our own.

Today I want to start a new beginning with the new Board members.

My first concern is that we should work together in scheduling our adoption even...ts on different weekends,as to give all our cats a fair chance of being adopted out. Also teaming up on certain adoption events together.

The second item of concern that was addressed . All the rescue groups that
had or has bad blood with EARS and who would like to start anew and put this stupid infighting aside, it was decided we should have a monthly meeting with all the groups together.

For the record. Our euthanasia policy came up in the meeting.

We are a Cat Hospice - We have many sick cats and we provide the care they need until their quality of life comes to an end.

Loving Care Animal Hospital does our euthanasia for $22 dollars each.
The kitties are cremated and there ashes are scatted in the Gulf of Mexico ,when we use Loving Care.

Lets squash this rumor right now that came up:

" The AWL does not kill our cats. We do not need a team of 3 people to tell us when a kitty needs to be euthanize."

Facts - The Animal Welfare League provides a free service to Puffy Paws. They know funds can be tight and a kitty that needs some help to go over the rainbow bridge, we can not wait until we raise the funds needed to for euthanasia.

For this service we are grateful.

Chrissy and I have been rescuing and taking care of kitties since 1996.
We know when it is time for a kitty that needs a little help to cross the rainbow bridge.

We do not need a team of 3 people to tell us when a kitty needs to be euthanize.

At that point if we do not euthanize because of only pain and suffering ,it will be animal cruelty.

So once again Puffy Paws Kitty Haven Is A Common Senses No - Kill

Here at Puffy Paws Kitty Haven we do not put down any animals for behavior problems, space or adopt-ability issues. Yet Puffy Paws Kitty Haven never has and never will let any kitty suffer with any medical condition that only allows pain & suffering and no chance of survival.

You will always know when we have to euthanize a kitty because we will always publish that fact here on facebook, when we have to make that fateful decision.

Lets see what happens......with today's meeting.

Is it going to be the same old -same old or are things really going to change.

Only time will tell.......

For the Background information on this groundbreaking development
Please read the following article.

As Published In The Englewood Edge:

The trou­bled Engle­wood Ani­mal Res­cue Sanc­tu­ary, pro­nounced dead by its own board direc­tors, may be ready to show just what “no kill” means.

A new board of direc­tors com­pris­ing EARS vol­un­teers will try to resus­ci­tate the shel­ter­less shel­ter that has a strict no-kill pol­icy and accepts both cats and dogs.

After the for­mer board announced plans to shut down EARS once and for all, the vol­un­teers drew up a busi­ness plan and bud­get show­ing that, if reor­ga­nized, stream­lined and reen­er­gized, the orga­ni­za­tion will be suc­cess­ful. The plan was pre­sented to the board, which told vol­un­teers that if they felt cer­tain about EARS’ future, the board would not stand in the way of the vol­un­teers recon­sti­tut­ing the board and tak­ing over management.

The new board mem­bers are Deva Bal­lan­tyne, Petra Kurpeski, Bobbi Austin, Susan­Reilly and Sarah Katz.

An open meet­ing will be held at 10 a.m.Wednesday, March 16, at the EARS facil­ity, 145 W. Dear­born St., to dis­cuss how EARS will move for­ward and to get pub­lic input. The meet­ing is open to the public.

EARS has called itself a sanc­tu­ary since it was founded sev­eral years ago by Peggy Haupt­man, who visu­al­ized a sanc­tu­ary based on the Best Friends model in Kanab, Utah. Ani­mals would live com­mu­nally, with­out cages, in a care-for-life set­ting. But EARS has been a sanc­tu­ary in name only. The group has never had a build­ing despite rais­ing hun­dreds of thou­sands of dol­lars and own­ing land in two coun­ties at dif­fer­ent times.

EARS intended to build on a 10-acre par­cel off Artists Avenue, but the res­i­den­tial neigh­bor­hood proved unwel­com­ing. EARS sold the prop­erty and bought a 25-acre par­cel in rural DeS­oto County with the inten­tion of build­ing its sanc­tu­ary there. The group held major fundrais­ers and devel­oped a high profile.

But the orga­ni­za­tion ran into prob­lems. Alle­ga­tions that all was not right with the non-profit group’s finances began to per­co­late. And, when the group pre­pared to go before the DeS­oto County Com­mis­sion for a spe­cial exemp­tion per­mit to build its shel­ter, those alle­ga­tions bub­bled to the sur­face rais­ing ques­tions as to why , from 2003 to 2006, only about $2,100 of the approx­i­mately $310,000 taken in went directly to ani­mal care, accord­ing to an analy­sis of EARS’ tax returns for the DeS­oto Board of County Com­mis­sion­ers pre­pared by DeS­oto County Admin­is­tra­tive Ser­vices Direc­tor Jan Brewer.

That was in 2008. In spring 2009, EARS fired its exec­u­tive direc­tor and hired Dee Ann Roberts, who ran the orga­ni­za­tion until its recent deci­sion to fold. Roberts spoke con­tin­u­ally about the dam­age done in the fundrais­ing arena by pre­vi­ous direc­tors, taint­ing the group’s name.

Now a new group will attempt to revive EARS and con­tinue its mis­sion of pro­vid­ing shel­ter and find­ing homes for ani­mals that might oth­er­wise by put down.

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