Wednesday, May 18, 2011

In Youe Debt !

Dear Friends of the Kitties

Thank you for all what you do for the kitties.

There are two matters at hand I would like to address.

1. On Monday I spoke with the State office over the checks and the lady I spoke to said we have to have the May payment, of 622.04 in on time and than they will take it from their with the April miss payment. It looks like we are on track to make that happen.

2. No matter what situation we find ourselves we have always adapted ,improvise and overcame.  No one can ever say we have not been honest and open in all of our endeavors in the situations we face each and every day in keeping the doors open at Puffy Paws.

Sometimes our truth is brutal if we do not come up with the funds for the kitties and the consequences of our past indiscretions.

Chrissy does not want to be arrested for doing what she had to do for taking care of the kitties. And yes we knew it was wrong and it is very tough time for her.

Yes.  Chrissy and mine lives are a open book. It's a hard life in struggling in coming up with the funds in taking care of the kitties, along with us working over 15 hours a day. day in and day out.

Yet we do it by your love for the kitties.

We have our faults. We rob Peter , to pay to Paul to pay Mary.
We have wrote checks with no funds in the bank, as you know.
We beg for money, week after week.  WHY !

Because Puffy Paws is all about taking care of the 230 kitties under our care. Plain & simple.

We do have limited local support and we are grateful for this.

We do not have the means to put on huge fundraisers like the other groups do.

We can not host cocktail parties, golfing tournaments and fancy fundraisers. We are not in the right social circles locally to make this ever happen.

Our hearts are pure are actions are open to all and we pay the price for this.

When someone gets sick and tried of us ,they simple take their name off the emailing list and unsubscribe from our facebook page.

We are not for everyone. We know that . We appreciate everything that these folks have done for us and when it their time to go and leave us, we just want to let them know will always be grateful for their support and love, they had for the kitties.

We have grown thick skins over the past few years. People are going to say what they want. They are going to make up rumors, lies , gossip about us.

Yet the proof is the way the kitties are taken care of.

Newspaper reporters , TV Crews, other rescues groups all have been in the Haven. The Haven is always spotless thanks to Chrissy hard work.

The cats are taken care of thanks to you and me begging for funds all the time.

We knew that years ago we had turned to the internet to raise funds for the kitties because local support was just not their.

Business and people in our Community seems to treat their favorite rescues group like a NFL football team. They support one and they seems like they have disdain for the rest. Its just a fact that I have lived with for over fours years and have tried to accept this.

Each day we face a new and different set of challenges, the only way we all have been able to overcome these life obstacles, is being 100% honest, no mater how embarrassing the situation is for us personally.

I have see other local rescues groups that hide behind a front. Their misdeeds are kept out of the local paper. With high euthanasia rates and payment of  enormous salaries now and in the past,  by their Board of Directors to the upper management

The Community we live in is smarter than that. They know the truth. It is a small community we live in. Word spreads fast and furious.

Our community does not need a local paper to expose the truth, the Community knows the truth about the groups in the area and this community finally has let it be known of their dissatisfaction with their checkbooks, by not supporting these other local groups.

Why  ! Because they were not honest in their endeavors and hide behind the statement 'Its All For The Animals ' ! It has finally caught up with them all.

Now on the other hand we are a open book and always have been with the Community and our donors. You all know personally by the emails you all receive from us.

If it was not for World Wide awareness about Puffy Paws and your love and the power of facebook & care2.

Puffy Paws would have been closed down last year.

And we will always be in your debt.

I just revamped the front page of our Web site so we may reach out to new kitty lovers from around the World and added more options to raise funds for the kitties.

CLICK HERE - To Check Out The Web Site

Click Here - Too Advertise Your Business On Our Web Site

Do you Need Business Cards ? -Click Here

In closing I want to say thank you for sticking by us after all these years of hardship and keeping the kitties safe , alive and well.

Rick & Chrissy & Da kitties

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